Well, thanks to Michelle (http://emzeegee.blogspot.com) for tagging me. As I have clearly been running low on blog-like inspiration, I am not at all opposed to requests and tags...
Your Time Starts Now...
My earliest memory is... I don't know if I remember this as much as I've just heard the story so many times I just think I do but as I know it, when my mother had just had my little brother and my father was looking for some way to give me a little attention and distract me, he took me to see Annie in the movie theater. I'd already owned the record and was a big fan. When the song "Tomorrow" came on, I slipped out of my seat (my father was not really paying attention to ANNIE) and dashed up to the fron of the theater. Flailing my arms out and striking my dramatic pose, I proceeded to sing EVERY SINGLE WORD along with the movie.
At school I... probably could have tried harder and done better but my educational record has turned out just fine anyway.
My first relationship was... with Scott Phillips- I was 14, he was 17- whom I dated for precisely three weeks until he cheated on me with Debbie. That ass.
I don't like talking about... money.
My mother and father always told me... to do what makes me happy.
I wish I had... invented the Snuggie.
I wish I hadn't... felt like I needed to please others so much.
My most humiliating moment was... performing in "Fiddler on the Roof" in high school, leaping onto the bed for a scene after a VERY quick change, totally unaware that our house manager had put a whoopie cushion under the mattress (I am still friends with this guy and he loves to tease me about it to this day).
My happiest moments were... Well, one I can particularly remembers with emotional recall is a trip back to New York. After I landed and got my bags, I took a cab to my best friend's apartment on 65th and 1st. She was waiting for me when I got off the elevator on her floor. I cried with happiness to see her after so long. It's like that every time we reunite. LOL.
At home I cook... rarely.
My last meal would be... Italian food or sushi.
I'm very bad at... saying "no." Also, standing up for myself.
When I was a child I wanted to be... a basketball player. Preferably with the Lakers. Preferably beside Byron Scott.
The book that changed my life is... "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
It's not fashionable, but I love... this ratty old Lakers nightshirt I've had since age 10. It was so oversized on me then that it remaind oversized on me now except with a few holes in it. I refuse to throw it away.
The song I'd like played at my funeral is... NOT "Amanda" by Boston or "Mandy" by Barry Manilow.
Friends say I am... God, I have no idea. I'd really rather not know.
My greatest fear is... failure.
If only I could... figure shit out.
The hardest thing I've ever done was... white-water rafted. And well worth it-- one of the best days of my life. No shit.
The last big belly laugh I had was... Thanksgiving. My cousin made a particularly inappropriate remark in front of the whole family.
What I don't find amusing is... ignorance.
I'm always being asked... "Do you have the UTA Job List?"
Cat or dog... I happen to love cats, despite my allergies, but I very much want a dog.
If I wasn't me I'd like to be... a thinner, richer version.
At the moment I'm reading... About to start "Eclipse" but also want to read "Marley & Me" and "Prep."
My favourite work of art is... "Mulberry Tree" by Vincent Van Gogh OR "Flat Iron Building" by Samuel Halpert
My worst job was... Working at a local dry cleaners for about 4 months. I sought the job cause a couple friends worked there and I thought it would be fun but it was pretty much the ANTI fun.
I often wonder... when IT will happen (and what IT is).
And I'm tagging the following...