Here's MY beef. With Pinterest.
It's all the rage, in case you hadn't heard. Over 10 million users in record time. It drives more traffic than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined. There are already books on it, so-called Pinterest "experts," integration strategies, share buttons, parody pinboards (I enjoy fake Mitt Romney)... I love it a lot, personally, and am currently integrating it into every single PR proposal I make these days.
But here's the thing I'm slowly realizing.
There are ten million GENIUS ideas out there and SHIT, there are just NOT enough hours in the day. I want to do SO MANY of these fabulous things and I find, most of the time, when I get downtime, all I can REALLY motivate myself to do is... well, siddown.
So thank you Pinterest. For all of your awesomeness. For being colorful and fun and expansive and addicting. And thank you for reminding me there are never going to be enough hours in the day!