FYI, I make very clever blog post titles. You know you're a fan.
But enough about my enviable blog post titling talent.
I was so excited Bibigo sent me a present!
You have not seen it here on the blog, but I did write about them via my old Examiner column and it's worth a look. They provided me with some really delicious samples last time and this time, even better.
Here's what was for dinner... at just 130 calories per serving and 3g of fat. Try it. You'll like it.
And right now, CJ Foods, makers of Bibigo (and Korea’s number one food company), is giving back to the community with the launch of its CJ Bibigo “Won Ton of Giving” campaign. The campaign encourages visitors and fans of the CJ Foods Facebook page to join CJ Foods in raising awareness and supporting hunger relief efforts throughout Greater Los Angeles by simply choosing to “Like” the brand’s page. Upon reaching the goal of mobilizing 3,000+ fans, the company will donate one ton—or more than 91,000 CJ Bibigo Mini Wontons—to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.
That's AMAZING, right?
Go to their Facebook page immediately and like it, people. You have until December 31 to recruit your friends to do so as well. This is an amazing, simple opportunity to help the hungry.
In the meantime, CJ Bibigo Mini Wontons (SRP: $4.49/13oz.) are available at Fresh & Easy and Costco stores on the West Coast, and will be in traditional grocery and national specialty stores nationwide early next year.
Eat up, like the page, feel good about yourself.
You're welcome. ;)