Dear lord, people, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Reluctant to make this blog all newsy, political and serious, I will only say this - I am completely disturbed by the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. And the best blogger response to it that I've read so far is from my friend Jessica Gottlieb. I could not even come close to articulating my own sentiment this well so I am thankful she is so eloquent.
And not to trivialize that, but I am just devastated about the passing of Cory Montieth. While I stopped watching Glee about a season and a half ago, I still bring up all the musical performances on YouTube and will never forget how charged I felt watching the pilot episode. And this performance gives me chills every time I see it, even still. He was only 31 and that's just too effing young. It's incredibly sad.
ALL OF THAT ASIDE, and because of all of that, I felt the need to bring some things to your attention that made me laugh and smile recently. Let's all pause for a few minutes and SMILE, dammit!
- This tweet. And if you're not a hockey fan, just trust that it's brilliant:
- This snippet from Cynopsis - news and snark. Well played:
Lindsay Lohan's mom, Dina, is on board with the eight-part reality series her troubled daughter is doing for OWN about life after rehab (Lindsay gets out of Betty Ford at the end of July). "It's fantastic," Dina told E! News. "If anyone is going to mentor you, it's going to be Oprah." As opposed to your mother...
- This story:
I don't know if this means I should start picking up hitchhikers regularly, but if I ever see John Cusack or Matt Bomer on the side of the road, you'd best believe I'd run a bitch over to pick them up...
- This news that more animal cuteness is coming to the web.... YES.