Did you know Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words? Seems rather cruel, right?
Also, Ithyphallophobia is a fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis.
You're welcome. Happy Friday.
1. This recipe for BROWN BUTTER CARAMEL SNICKERDOODLES. Omigodpeople. One of the interns at work brought these into the office and they are simply delicious. Chewy, buttery, sweet and salty, perfect and delicious.
2. "25 Scandalous Needlepoints Your Grandma Would Hate," brought to me by Chris at What I Run Into. I want to needlepoint all of these onto sweet, little pillows and decorate the crap out of my house with them. #14 is my favorite -- let's be honest -- it's kind of my mantra.
3. As I am OBSESSED with Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines," this list from Buzzfeed cracked me up a lot. You gotta be familiar with the song's lyrics to fully appreciate it, though.
4. Aisha Tyler's "Girl on Guy" podcast. I wish I could remember who suggested it to me. But she is fabulous and I am enjoying it.
P.S. Once you have used the term "erect penis" in your web browser, it's AMAZING what pops up in your Facebook, Google and Typepad advertising.