As my friend Danielle always says, it is her job to come up with the genius ideas and to then nag me and nag me and NAG ME until I execute them.
Then I have to buy her a house and possibly a pony.
Today, as we discussed our mututal excitement (and that word hardly does it justice) for the impending NSync reunion at the MTV Video Music Awards, we began a trip down Mickey Mouse Club memeory lane.
It lead us to this gem of a video featuring Justin and JC along with tiny Ryan Gosling and Dale.
D: Do you think Ryan Gosling will ever star in a musical or is he still thinking he's Brando?
A: Here's what we need -- a musical movie starring Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling
D: About men who can't find shirts.
Which brings me to the newest recurring feature to join my blog family (What's Up Friday and COFG Flashback).
Yep, that's right. Expect genius on a recurring basis. We don't care if you judge. We're brilliant.