I'm getting fidgety and you all know what happens when I get fidgety. I start designing things. You may very well see a new WUF logo next week.
1. Last night I saw Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. I really enjoyed it! I've been reading the series. The plot has a weird twist (which I dare not spoil - however if you've read it, you know exactly what I mean) that is just as awkward in the movie as it is in the book, but I am sorta glad they kept it in cause it's a big part of what's to come. In any case, I suspect there will not be a second movie (the first one isn't raking it in like a Twilight flick) and I'm sad about that. But in related news, we got a great little featurette for Divergent this week and I cannot wait for that movie (or the third book to come out in October):
2. And speaking of young adult fiction, I don't know when I turned into such a YA aficionado, but I am currently reading Ender's Game and loving it. It's one of Chris' faves (she's the Mastermind behind What I Run Into) so I was motivated to give it a whirl -- I can't wait for that movie either.
3. Sarah Horn. OH. MY. GOD. Have you read about this? As part of her concert, Kristin Chenoweth seeks out an audience member to duet with her on Wicked's "For Good" and this past Friday night, her audience scouts found a lovely young lady named Sarah Horn who told them she knew the song well and that she was a voice teacher. As someone who studied with several voice teachers, let me assure you, it does not mean they can sing this well. So what manifested on stage is really, truly breathtaking and it surely helps that Kristin is so quick-witted. Now, Sarah has been profiled and interviewed by several news outlets including E! and the LA Times and she's been invited back to perform on her own at the Hollywood Bowl. It just blows me away. I love her. In moments like this I am simultaneously reminded why I love to sing and regretful I did not pursue it.
4. Effing JAMES SPADER has been announced as "Ultron" in The Avengers sequel and I cannot even begin to explain my excitement about this to you. I love him. He is so talented (have you seen Secretary? Less Than Zero? He was easily my favorite part of Lincoln and I am a die hard Boston Legal fan. I am not an Office watcher but have to believe he killed it).In any case, he's amazing and I am excited. In case you can't tell. (And watch this clip -- this is why he won an Emmy for playing Alan Shore.)
P.S. If you read Vanity Fair, you are undoubtedly familiar with their infamous group photo shoots. How much do we need a Marvel movies family photo, I ask you? SO MUCH WANT.
5. As Data is my favorite Star Trek TNG character, when I discovered this .gif, I basically died. As the kiddies now say, IT IS EVERYTHING.
It's a three-day weekend, everybody. Make it a good one. Involve mimosas.