I'm trying really hard not to hate this day. I really am. Last year, on this day of days, I had a boyfriend and he took me out for a lovely dinner. Oh sure, the evening ended with him passed out snoring on my couch and the relationship ended with him disappearing off the face of the Earth, but for one glorious day, and for the very first time in my life, I had a date on Valentine's Day and it was a really nice feeling. I can't deny that.
So it has finally ocurred to me that perhaps my annual vitriolic hate-fest of this holiday has, in fact, been because I've always been single for it.
I know -- DUH, right? But who wants to be a stereotpye? The bitter single girl.
In truth, bitterness is not even the problem. Only loneliness. So it's a good thing I have a lot of amazing friends. I had a fun dinner with some of them last night and have concert tickets with one of them this evening.
And this weekend, for added, fun, another speaking engagement. I may or may not throw up beforehand. I should really start an over/under on these things.
But all that said, it is Friday, thank goodness, and a Friday preceeding a three-day weekend no less, so all in all, I'm in a pretty decent mood.
1. Here's something to warm your heart for Valentine's Day.
10-year-old Colin from Kalamazoo, Michigan has Asperger Syndrome. He told his mom he didn't want to have a birthday party this year because he doesn't have any friends. He eats his lunches in the school office because no one will sit with him. And if that little story breaks your heart, imagine how his mother feels.
So she started a Facebook page for Colin's birthday. And to date it has over 1.8 million likes. And it is filled with messages and well-wishes and photos. Colin may not have wanted a birthday party but he's about to get the biggest e-card that ever was. It's amazing and lovely and all the good things about humanity. Please head over there and join in. It's been a long time since I cried because something touched my heart.
2. I very much enjoy this Buzzfeed list: "16 Graphs And Charts That Perfectly Illustrate Twentysomething Life." (Even though I'm over 30.)
Some examples. You can't deny their truth.
3. This kid. He is amazing. Just watch. (Do it for Channing Tatum and Bradley Cooper, who both make appearances.)
4. You know how I love the Jimmy Kimmel series, "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets." He unveiled the sixth edition. Again - love it.
Who's your favorite? I'm pretty partial to Tim Robbins.
5. Shortstop Derek Jeter is retiring after the 2014 baseball season. When I read it, there were tears.
There was a "Core Four" on the Yankees: Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, Jeter and Andy Pettitte. Four who played in the minors together and debuted with the Yankees in 1995. The Yankees won four world championships in the late 90s and one more in 2009 -- when they were all still on the roster. Jeter, who's been the team's Captain since 2003, is the last man standing; the last to retire. At 39, after almost 20 years with NY, whatever team anyone roots for, you can't say a bad thing about the guy. He's been an amazing asset to the game of baseball, an outstanding team leader and a generally good guy that everyone respects. I realize an entire season is still ahead, but I'm already starting to miss him.
He's utterly fearless, by the way -- I have to share a couple of my favorite plays. When he charges and dives, my heart stops.
- July 2004, v. the Red Sox (a stil of him making this dive was my desktop wallpaper for a long, long time)
- October 2001 v. the A's (and then a very excited Scott Brosius just chucks the ball to second like it's nothing.)
- October 1998 -- the Jeter Jump n' Throw. It's magnificent.