The question stands. No pants are the best pants. Let's do it.
It's been a big week. Let's see if I can recap my favorite things from it in six items or less....
1. Buzzfeed's list of "53 Thoughts Every Girl Has While Shopping at Target" is basically the most accurate list in the history of lists, however, I have things to add:
- Are there any good Blu-rays on sale for $5?
- Yes, I swear I've always wanted to own Bloodsport with Jean-Claude Van Damme. BECAUSE FIVE DOLLARS.
- Oh yeah, I totally need to own 300 bobby pins. They're on sale, dude.
- Target has so many funny birthday cards? I should buy, like, all of them. They're good to have.
- Boxed wine is always a good idea.
2. Twitter mistakes. OMG YOU GUYS. Seriously - the feedback I've gotten from posting this article on Facebook boards astounds me.
"...tweet starts with @username, which means that you’re basically preventing your followers from seeing that this amazing human being just tweeted your blog. So, unless you want just this user and your Twitter profile stalkers to read your tweet, avoid starting with @username. Instead, use a period before @username to make your tweet visible to everyone in the Twitterverse!"
As my friend Anne says, I get apoplectic over this. It's Twitter 101. People who claim to be social media consultants make this mistake and it basically makes me reach for a fork to stab myself with.
Sorry, I'll calm down now. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. I'm just a snob. Pardon me.
3. So I've kind of becomes obsessed with "Honest Trailers." Are you familiar with these? If not, I'm warning you -- once you watch one, it leads you down the YouTube Rabbit Hole. Before you know it, it's 3am, and you're on your eighteenth honest trailer.
From the geniuses at Screen Junkies, honest trailers are pretty much what it sounds like. They take a trailer you know and love, but re-record the voiceover, adding in a few humorous addendums, and make it super honest.
Here are a couple of my favorites:
I'm sure my roomate thought I was a crazy person, laughing in my room in the dark, at 2:30 in the morning the other night.
This could be why I don't sleep...
4. Wanna know how to combat homophobia? With Nickelback:
I hear Creed also works in a pinch.
5. Do you remember that time KTLA's entertainment reporter Sam Rubin confused Samuel L. Jackson for Laurence Fishburne? Well kudos to Jackson, who has a terrific sense of humor and showed up to a recent press event in this shirt:
My interview statement for the day!
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) March 21, 2014
6. This happened. I came home to one very heavy package at my doorstep and it was pretty cool. THANK YOU ZEVIA!
7. And it's just not a Friday without something from Jimmy Fallon, right? I also happen to love Jeff Musial, the animal expert who seemed to scare the shit out of the late night host with some special fuzzy (and scaley) friends:
The votes were tallied, by the way, and you guys picked Fallon over Kimmel by a sizeable margin. We still love you, Jimmy K. It's just that Jimmy F. gets Jon Hamm into a wet shirt and is BFFs with Justin Timberlake.
I hope you have a fun weekend ahead! What's everyone doing? I have FOMO. Tell me in the comments.