This biography used to be written in the third person, as if some prestigious biographer had done research and composed an illustrious piece highlighting my greatest achievements. But in real life, I wrote it myself while I munched on Doritos, chugged a Diet Pepsi and listened to The Little Mermaid playing in the background. Because I am an awesome grow-up.
So I am going to write this "in real life" now.
I am a Los Angeles area native. I spent two years at the University of Arizona majoring in musical theater and media arts before transferring to NYU's Tisch School of the Arts to major in writing. Eventually, I added a Master’s Degree in communications from USC to my portfolio. I discovered a passion for PR and all things social/digital in my very first graduate school class. A career path was born.
I started blogging long ago on my very fancy geocities site circa Fall 2002. It wasn't even called blogging yet. After various versions of whatever it was, with a brief stopver in's emo universe, this blog was founded in June 2007.
In addition to my unique double-life as a publicist/blogger, I am a board member with Social Media Club Los Angeles and frequent volunteer with USC’s mentoring programs. Occasionally I do some public speaking. It depends how courageous I feel that month.
My non-professional goals include singing a duet with either Patrick Wilson or Matthew Bomer, going to happy hour with Ryan Gosling, and marrying Colin Farrell. I am nothing if not a realist. I also love Tigger, boy bands, puppies, and the minions from Despicable Me.
Incidentally, if anyone knows where I can hire my own flock of minions, I'd love to hear about it.
Additionally, I can be found on a wide array of social networks and most mornings, at Starbucks. I love to work with fellow bloggers and brands, so please reach out!
- Speaking appearnaces include Blogalicious '12, Lifestyle Blogger Con '13, Entertainmend New Media Conference '14, ConnectHER '15
- Featured Contributor, Fit & Awesome
- Finalist, "We Still Blog Awards," Type A Conference '14
- "12 Most Enjoyable Blogs by Women"
- "10 Best Blogs for Plus-Size Dating"
- "Blogmas Worthy" honor from All Things Fadra
- Comm Pro Daily – guest contributor
- LA Story - guest contributor
- Organized Island - guest contributor
- Social Media Club Los Angeles – B.O.D. Interview/Bio.
- Professional Biography
- Media Kit
- Ad rates available upon request