Disclosure/Disclaimer: I want to say right up front that this is not a sponsored post. I took this on purely because it's a tool I believe in and a cause I am passionate about.
How do we reconcile the importance of mental health awareness with the stigmas attached to its challenges?
There is still such a stigma in this country attached to mental health issues and my friends, we gotta cut that shit out. There is such a lack of support for a community of people out there who desperately need it. And we have to stop making assumptions. People experience symptoms of mental illnesses differently—and some engage in potentially dangerous or risky behaviors to avoid or cover up symptoms of a potential mental health problem. When we engage in prevention and early identification, we can help reduce the burden of mental illness by identifying symptoms and warning signs early—and provide effective treatment. Simply having a sounding board is clutch here. A professional listener.
But it's a conundrum to find someone, right? No one wants to ask out loud "can anyone refer me to a good shrink?" No one wants to attach themselves to that round of judgement. And believe it or not, there's not really a place online to find someone to talk to. I mean, there are 800 numbers and databases, but nothing with a personal touch, which is so needed in this space. You can call your insurance and ask for help, but, well, I don't know about you, but I hate having that conversation with a corporate representative. My personal life is none of their business.
Alison: As a licensed therapist, I’m frequently approached by friends and family and asked the best way of finding a therapist. The process of finding professional help can be overwhelming and exhausting – often leading people to give up on their search. We created Advekit as a solution to these tedious alternatives, and our hope is that as many people as possible find the help that they deserve in a simple and straight-forward way.
2. Why do you think mental health professionals would be interested in Advekit?
Arielle: Many mental health professionals have a difficult time marketing themselves and showcasing their unique strengths, especially in saturated areas like L.A. We have found that listing your practice on directories is not the most effective way of reaching the public, as you can often get lost amongst the masses. Advekit matches people with three therapists best suited to their needs. The therapists who are part of our pilot group love that we are focused on showcasing their experience and strengths, and that we are matching them with people who are more likely to be a good fit.
3. Which areas is Advekit currently serving?
Alison: Advekit is currently live in the Los Angeles area, with plans to expand to other major cities within the next 12 months. We are encouraging people to send us feedback via our website if there is a specific city they would like to see us expand to next.
4. What has been your greatest challenge in creating the platform so far?
Arielle: We want every person visiting our site to know that you can search for a therapist completely anonymously and for free. Our goal is to make mental health treatment more accessible and we’d like everyone to feel comfortable looking for the help they need and deserve. We welcome feedback and people sharing their experiences with us – but there is no requirement to sign-up or give out your personal information.
5. What is your long term goal with Advekit?
Alison: Our long term goal is to aid in the mission of de-stigmatizing mental health. As lofty of a statement as that may be, we truly believe that if we can simplify one’s access to mental health treatment, then more people will be encouraged to seek the help that they need. I entered into the mental health profession so that I could support as many people as possible with their internal struggles. I find it to be extremely unfair that mental health has a stigma around it that makes people feel ashamed and embarrassed on top of their suffering. In addition, we have plans to create an interactive experience on our website, which allows for individuals to correspond and support each other through our platform. Keep an eye out for this in the near future!