I made a stop on my way home from work, parked the car and this was going on:
I watched them from inside of my car at first. She got out of one, he got out of another. They did not seem to know each other. She climbed up on that stop sign post and he stood by his car, both with camera phones at the ready.
I looked to where they were aimed. It was... the sky.
Everyone who knows me well knows that I do not suffer from shyness most of the time and that sometimes, I can be downright intrusive. In instances like this, for example, when I will never see these people again and surely don't care what they think of me, I feel like I owe it to myself and the world to find out what is going on.
So I asked what they were photographing. He said "the sky is so pretty right now. I had to instagram it."
Her: "When I saw him taking a picture, I thought something was happening so I stopped, too."
Like what? An alien invasion? It's sky, people.
I mean... the sky was lovely, but it wasn't anything different.... Blue sky, a few clouds, a faintly setting sun (sunset wasn't really underway yet)... Yeah, all the working parts. No idea why it was Instagram worthy.
Of course, I posted the picture of them on Instagram, but I like to think the moment I captured was far more interesting than theirs.
I'm taking this way too seriously. I know. I just found it all so silly. I couldn't resist posting about it for entertainment's sake.
Also, the fact that the woman stopped to take a picture purely because he did? Stoppit. Just stoppit.