A new spin on Menday!
Despite Perez Hilton's blogger infamy (*eye roll*), I think most people think of women first when they think of popular bloggers. A lot of people probably immediately go to mom bloggers, fashion bloggers, Latina bloggers... We have created numerous categories for ourselves but at the cost, I think, of unintentionally excluding male-written sites from our mental lists.
I recently got more interested in male-written blogs because I was hearing such wonderful things about the Dad 2.0 conference (full disclosure, I also had a terrific call with its organizers for work) and so I give you this list in honor of Menday and all the wonderful dudes out there, making it happen in the blogosphere.
1. Forces of Geek. Stefan Blitz, FOG creator, loves pop culture and all things geek. He's created a fantastic HQ for all things of that nature on the web. He welcomes and encourages guest-writers (like me!) so it's become a terrific little community.
2. HowToBeADad. It's no secret that I'm kind of a fangirl for Charlie and Andy -- not even from Charlie and Andy. They've created a "dad blog" so unique that even childless single ladies like msyelf read it regularly. Plus, they post pretty awesome pics on Instagram. Like this one of Andy in kid's pajamas. Which Charlie used as an example before a packed room at BlogHer.
I think @AndyHerald is wearing the shit out of that Spidey tee. Well played, @charliecapen. #BlogHer14 pic.twitter.com/4WCjyR9vUs
— AJ (@AmandaJoy) July 26, 2014
3. Hudson from Hudson and Emily. They are lovely people and I've found Hudson to have a pretty terrific sense of humor. He's not afraid to admit he loves pop music and can be as much a screaming fan girl as any teen-aged girl. ;)
4. Tom's Foodie Blog. Simply put - it's delicious. Don't read it if you're hungry - it won't help.
. @LaVidaCantina at @Go2Triangle takes off where El Corazon failed. #mexican #Food #OC pic.twitter.com/v2NnU67zVq
— tomsfoodieblog (@tomsfoodieblog) September 30, 2014
5. Sondra referred me to this awesome blog, Terrible Minds, by Chuck Wendig, a novelist, screenwriter, and game designer. He talks a lot about writing. And food. And the madness of toddlers. He uses lots of naughty language. It's terrific!
Some more recommendations from me and my friends around the web!
- Joe from Family Vacation Hub
- Cara recommended Dad Dudes to me - their response to Disney's Frozen is pretty spectacular.
- Misflix from Dan, who happens to be a former roommate of mine
- Lynda suggests Mocha Dad - and I agree. Fred is a doll.
- Melissa recommended Pavement Runner and Sweating it Off
- Try Kin Lane for some techy talk per Serena
- Some other dad blogs I like: Daddy Mojo, Lunchbox Dad, Dude of the House, Honea Express