You know what I do now when I am SUPER stressed out? I know some people eat, some people clean (and frankly, I did that, too), but ME? I decide to totally redesign my blog.
In case you hadn't noticed.
And if you hadn't noticed, allow me to direct you to my optometrist. He's an older, handsome fellow with a quirky sense of humor and he'll fix you right up.
(By the way, the other thing I do when I am SUPER stressed out is resort to sarcasm and carry on jokes for far too long.)
But anyway, WELCOME to my new and improved blog. Join me on a short tour, won't you? (Yes, I'm really doing this. I'm too excited.)
Omigod, it's a blog on a blog... MIND? BLOWN. You're welcome.
A. New banner! Site motto included. (And it's true. I wake up every day with the best of intentions... It usually takes an hour for me to trip over my own feet and/or spill on myself.)
B. Stalking buttons. Want to know where I am or what I'm doing? I'm sure one of these websites can tell you in some for or another. There is also now a handy-dandy e-mail button. Please feel free to email me -- I usually write back. Espcially if you're John Cusack. Then I will DEFINITELY write back.
C. Favorites. I read a LOT of blogs so I could not feature all of them, but I'll try to rotate this more often. These were the ones I felt compelled to share first and I hope you'll give them some love.
D. Navigation. I've had this for a little while now but I've added a bio. I promise it's not rhetorical of my FAQ. Well, maybe a little. I mean, this is a personal blog. I clearly like to talk about myself, right? Please also visit the "33 in 2012" page to track my progress and the "QOTD" page, where the funniest crap I've ever overheard lives (and some inspiration crap, too).
And BTW, did you know you can SUBSCRIBE to this blog? That's right - I'm fancy.
E. Twitter. I have no idea what is going on with my feed. I blame Twitter. Or Typepad. And Mitt Romney.
F. Mantras. Wanna guess how often I write drunk and edit sober? Ok, ok, wanna guess how often I edit at all?
Tour over. Tips welcome.
This was a lot of fun to do and, actually, I guess the whole tour thing just allowed me to enjoy it a bit longer. And praise myself cause this is actually the first time in five years I've revamped the site and it's the VERY first time I've designed it and built it out from scratch (The last two builds were templates). It makes me feel more like a brand -- it feels pretty cool. Almost 200 people patronize this brand each day and I am grateful to every single one of them.
And incidentally, I'm nothing if not a shameless publicist, so do me a solid and go like my brand on Facebook, m'k? Go follow me on Twitter!
Thanks, everyone. More excitement to come - I promise.